Friday, January 13, 2012

Hiking in Toulouse

Today was a much more relaxed day than any of our other class days. We had French and European Union classes until 12:30, and then we went hiking after class with Christiane and Bernard. It was a very fun afternoon!

We drove to the other side of Toulouse and had a picnic before the hike. It was the first lunch picnic I've ever had with red wine! The egg salad and ham and cheese sandwiches were great with the wine! The hike was about an hour and a half, and we ended up on the top of a mountain (or very large hill), overlooking all of Toulouse. It was a foggy and chilly day, but I loved the view!

Toulouse is a beautiful city. Today in class we discussed how Toulouse has more homes (compared to flats) than any other large French city, even Paris. The value of their properties are also rising quickly because of demand here. Bernard also informed us that Toulouse has the largest city limits of any city in France, even Paris again. This "Pink City" has so much to offer. I am loving the opportunity to explore the city and learn more about the French way of life. It is a probably a lot more realistic than the preview of France I had two years ago in Paris for three days!

Tonight we are going out with our class and the Association to a Pizza dinner followed by a trip to Bernard's newphew's bar. I'm really looking forward to more bonding time with our class and Bernard. Last night's happy hour was so much fun!

Tomorrow we are going shopping at the second largest department store in France! Courtney and I cannot wait for that either... I just may have to partake in the French sales a little more!

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